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  1. Lefter #16: United, we stand. Divided … we stand

    August 2, 2009 by emweb

    I’ve found myself writing a lot more about New Zealand politics and the National Party than I perhaps intended when I started this blog.

    Sorry. There are bigger issues.

    New Zealand’s National Government is not exactly a difficult target – the worrying thing is that it’s pursuing a clearly right-wing agenda and most people seem either blithely ignorant of it (or at least of its long-term ramifications) or just non-caring to the point of stupidity.

    Viva typical New Zealanders and their general greed, then.

    Probably the National Party is best left to the well-informed office of The Standard and Kiwipolitico.

    But I must confess I glance at these but I don’t spend a lot of time reading through the postings.

    Why not? Well, I already know my own politics. And I don’t need to be fed Labour’s party line, or the line of the generically Marxist-influenced. In my opinion, Marx had his place — but that was long ago. We’ve moved on. A long way on.

    My personal politics revolve around self determination. In other words, I like to determine my own beliefs.

    At least, I like to believe that I determine my own beliefs. So I’m not about to tow a party line just because it’s the party line. I’d rather come to my own conclusions, thanks. If I disagree with what you’re saying, I’m not going to support you. And hopefully, I will tell you I disagree.

    So whereas I will assist Labour to get into power if I can, as it’s clearly better than National being in power, I don’t feel Labour is the ideal party for New Zealand.

    Why not? I believe something similar to what the Maori proverb that says, roughly, ‘go into the future walking backwards so you can see the past’.

    I just won’t be walking backwards. But I, too, believe the past is much more significant than most New Zealanders deign to register.

    Labour has, in the past, made some really dumb mistakes I never agreed with:

    Rogernomics … I could never forgive that.

    I think it was wrong to the point of childish stupidity for Labour to alienate the Greens and the Maori Party.

    (That said, it’s equally questionable that the Greens and the Maori Party are still carrying grudges. As are some in Labour.)

    I think it was really dumb to let National set the agenda in the last two elections. It was so painfully obvious – if I could see it, why couldn’t Labour’s advisors? And what were they being paid? And are they still working for the Labour Party?

    And there are many other past issues.

    And for now, I think it’s really extra specially dumb, actually, that Labour isn’t grooming its next generation of leaders.

    Many of these issues come, in my opinion, from suicidally detrimental small-mindedness.

    What do I believe in, then? People co-operating for the common good, and not always putting themselves first. New Zealand creating a place in the world as a beacon of civilisation, no matter how far flung it is geographically. (Lange laid some groundwork for this with our anti-nuclear stance.)

    And New Zealand as a beacon of egalitarianism and ingenuity. And independence from international political coercion. And independence from international business coercion (granted, this often amounts to the same thing).

    None of this can happen under a right-wing government.

    And for my own political position … more on that later.

  2. Lefter #15 ~ Treason!

    June 15, 2009 by emweb

    In Lefter 10 ‘A Good War’, I said that “National’s efforts will expand an increasingly desperate unemployed sector which will work for less and less money and under more onerous conditions.”

    I also said “… instead of NZ trying to trade its way out of this recession, Prime Minister John Key will just follow his experience. Which means he’ll borrow to raise money while pursuing a right-wing agenda of making the lower classes poorer while rewarding his wealthy Pakeha cronies with more access to that wealth.”

    I hate it that I’m right in this case, but National’s first budget confirms exactly what I imagined back then. It’s just so commonly a right-wing response.

    For the record, I don’t care about scrapping future tax breaks – they were only going to benefit the wealthy anyway.

    I’ve also said before that it’s a shame this recession will give National license to push out the right-wing agenda much more quickly. I believed that National was going to tread softly for the first term to win a second, and then it was all right-wing guns ablaze. However, the recession has made all that subterfuge unnecessary as any measure, pronounced with faces grave, can now be blamed on the recession.

    The Herald reported that business has welcomed Budget measures. Surprise! So have the medical and science fraternities. So has the private school sector, that privileged breeding ground of National and Act supporters. (You know it’s true. Well, so does National). While most New Zealanders face cuts and unemployment, private schools get 30 million dollars more!
    However, union groups and public educators are among those not so impressed. This is also predictable. National would actually prefer that unions and their members simply evaporated. They virtually made it happen, too, a few years ago. ‘Workers have rights? Preposterous! That would be an impediment to profit.’

    Bill English also dealt to the Super fund. Does that surprise anybody, with National’s record? Muldoon did the very same thing, disenfranchising a generation of their old ages in the process.

    The tried and true path to negotiating a recession (although it may be a Depression soon) is to invest in skills, thereby stimulating the jobs market, or at least preparing for a turnaround. Infrastructure is ripe for investment too, and pays dividends in the future for the whole country. Instead, National is intent on merely propping up its class. While doing nothing for long-term or even immediate growth.

    Unemployment is forecast to rise. Of course it is – then business owners can demand lower wages and impose worse conditions. This is nirvana for the greedy, and see how they love it. It’s evil, frankly.

    Remember the ‘jobs summit’? Why did Bill English tell a meeting of business representatives a few days before the summit that good times were coming, because soon business ‘leaders’ would be able to ‘do anything’?

    It’s treason, if you ask me. Against most New Zealanders. And does anyone still trust John Key’s ‘management’ after Melissa Lee and Richard Worth? He’s been so keen to get on TV at the drop of a hat – suddenly he’s absent or running for cover.

    We’re screwed.

  3. Lefter 14 ~ Mount Albert may be safe. Auckland no.

    May 21, 2009 by emweb

    You might think the AK Super City idea is a good one. And it may have been, the way the Royal Commission recommended. But National, in its railroading process, appears to have dispensed with most of the better ideas that would have made a super city good for Aucklanders.

    Why is National so damn keen to have an Auckland Super City, you may ask? Think about it – over a million people all safely in the clutches of right-wing, National-supporting toady, John Banks ‘SuperMayor’. No more painful Bob Harvey gibes (go Bob!) or Mangere success stories for National to contend with. National only likes Remuera success stories, you see.

    And you don’t get to vote on the Super City. How does that make you feel?

    After a week of classic faux pas over the motorway extension, we were treated to the bizarre spectacle of a glowing John Key looking almost post coitally smug. Why? Because President Barack Obama had deigned to speak to him on the phone.

    Was I the only one fighting down nausea?

    But I feel like writing a thank you letter to Key all the same. Because he handed us the precious gift of Melissa Lee as a ‘candidate’ for Mount Albert. What a turkey! Who in National thought that just putting an attractive right-winger forward over the hard-working National incumbent in the always Labour electorate was a good idea?

    What a howler. Excellent.

    And I commented a while ago that Labour had better not lose this electorate, and that Phil Goff should step up and sort it out. To his credit, he did so. While I commiserate with MP Phil Twyford, who lives in the Mt Albert electorate and wanted to run as Labour’s representative, I am relieved that we no longer have the spectre of Judith Tizard looming over us. I am looking forward to a much better outcome as a result: Labour retaining Mount Albert (if Shearer can just get his interview nerves sorted out). Plus a rosy possible future that has Phil Twyford representing Auckland Central instead. I find this an extremely welcome idea.

    Frankly, the fact Ak Central went to Nikki Kaye in the last election was a crime. What the hell were you thinking, Central Aucklanders? How is she even a politician? (I know, I know: she wasn’t Judith Tizard.)

    However, the thought of a soon-to-be-still Labour Mount Albert kind of pails into insignificance when you consider it will most likely be subsumed under the right wing umbrella held up by the awesomely crass figure that is John Banks.

    Well, most of you voted National last election, so I feel like saying ‘suck it up, losers!’.

    Unfortunately, I live in Auckland.

  4. Lefter 13 ~ Representation

    May 10, 2009 by emweb

    Who do they serve?

    According to Statistics New Zealand, the working age population of New Zealand was 3,229,200 (in the year ending March 2007). Of those, 2,126,200 were employed.

    We’re supposed to be a nation of small businesses, as I said in Lefter 12 (The King of Bongo, below), but 53% of new small-to-medium NZ businesses fail in the first three years, according to a Westpac survey.

    Westpac’s analysts put it down to poor financial literacy (this was in 2003). Yes, exactly. I’d add ‘crap management skills’ to that indictment. Anyway … the National Party traditionally appeals to, and finds support from, business people, and from those running small businesses, including those in the farming sector.

    But how many people is that? In 2006, 1,511,250 New Zealanders (so around one-and-a-half million) were in paid employment – ie, they were employees. Another 234,954 were self-employed and without employees while 142,881 were officially listed as employers.

    In other words, about 76% of the listed workforce consists of people working for others. So going by this very crude calculation, National’s policies traditionally represent about 24% of the NZ workforce.

    Of course, more than 24% of the electorate voted them into power.

    Another way of looking at things would be to look at who got tax breaks. National appealed to New Zealanders’ greed with the promise of tax breaks with the implication – lapped up, sadly – that Labour was holding back from passing on their just rewards. Assuming that we’d rather have $10 bucks to spend at the Warehouse but don’t need a government-built road to take us there, perhaps.

    So when National passed on those ‘just rewards’, the tax breaks only went to those earning over $44,000 per year.

    Well, according to, an average NZ office administrator earns $37,900, a graphic artist/designer $40,622 and a Personal Assistant squeaks over at 44,069. But if you’re about to go onto a nine day fortnight or a four-day week … goodbye, tax break.

    Last November, the salaries of MPs, ministers and the prime minister were raised by between 4% to 4.8%, by the way. So cherish the luxury of workers being able to grant themselves their own pay rises while they rule over a country going ever deeper into recession. Of course, that luxury goes only to those holding the reins of power, and of the economy, I’m afraid. Including certain board members whose callous disregard for the well being of others has placed them in positions of financial power.

    Great, though – the average wage has been increased to $12.50 an hour. Hoorah. That’s $26,000 a year for 52 x 40-hour weeks. For 60-hour weeks (not uncommon), that’s $39,000. No tax break for you, hard worker.

    Note that the average hourly earnings are much higher than this minimum wage, at $24.33 per hour. That’s a tidy $47,443.50 a year for a common 37.5-hour week, which squeaks over the tax break line, but the average figures are skewed by all those mega-earners out there who are firing people like crazy to protect their own privileged positions. Not to mention rising unemployment; it’s up 2% over the last three months. Not to mention those high earners also got much bigger tax breaks from National.

    Does your government represent you?

  5. Lefter 12 ~ The King of Bongo

    April 14, 2009 by emweb

    The King of Bongo

    NZ is supposed to be the nation of small businesses. If it is, you’d think they’d be better run. I’m sure some are, but I’m also sure, from experience, that a hell of a lot of them aren’t – and when they make it big, these companies often just carry on regardless with bad practice embedded into their structures.

    Typically, a person will have an idea and cast about for people to help put it into action. Let’s call him ‘Mr King’ (this is an imaginary person), and his company is called  ‘Bongo’ (an imaginary entity). All well and good normally, but in a recession Mr King finds people so eager to get jobs. They’ll bend over backwards to make his idea work.

    The entrepreneur works hard too, and all is difficult, with anxiety and long hours, but all involved can see it’s going somewhere.

    The company grows, and the original worker is still on the same wage, despite hard hours and low pay. She is mystified to discover other people are getting hired at premium rates as the company grows. She is expected to fight for better conditions. At this point she’s taken for granted. Part of the furniture. So at this point she either gets a grudging pay rise, or leaves, a sour taste in her mouth.

    If she stays, she finds she gets listened to less and less. This is because the entrepreneur’s idea is still going strong. Growth stemming from that original hard work and income flow has gone up considerably.

    But the entrepreneur has never had any management training and doesn’t know how to run things. Mr King even starts to think he’s some kind of genius. (He’s really not.) But there’s no consistent analysis, no understanding of work flow, profits/costs understanding, or proper allocation of resources … everything’s still ad hoc the way it was when the great plan started out.

    Mr King is now sitting on the top of his little self-created pyramid, isolated further and further away from the mechanics of the business but feeling pretty pleased with himself. Some of the later arrivals are adept at siphoning money off for themselves for little work, but they’re between the workers and the entrepreneur so he doesn’t know what’s going on. The workers are critical as they’re well aware of what’s going on, but no one listens to them anyway.

    The dichotomy between types of employment has become really clear. Six people sitting in a room making stuff is one thing – someone selling is another. With a salesperson, you can see, on bank statements, exactly what they are achieving and how you’re profiting from their efforts. The workers making stuff have none of this knowledge and it’s not quantifiable, to this entrepreneur, what their production is worth. That’s once again due to lack of management skill or training. And suggesting they need this training is seen as another attack. The producers don’t know what their efforts are worth either – indeed, if such knowledge exists, it’s kept from them.

    Meantime the sales people and the entrepreneur are showing off more and more signs of wealth.

    The workers aren’t in the union. The union’s not interested anyway, as the place is too small. Besides, the workers are actively discouraged from having anything to do with unions, and they don’t know what they’re being paid in relation even to the people in the same jobs. In staff meetings, nobody says anything because they’re all scared for they’re jobs. Besides, they know it makes no difference. They’re not listened to, and if they do say anything, it’s perceived as a threat. When you deceive people, you become (justifiably, although for all the wrong reasons) scared of them.

    Now the company has 30 employees. A disproportionate number of these are not actively producing anything. This is because people have convinced the entrepreneur how indispensable they are and he is now well cocooned away from the workers. Mr King only hears – avidly – promises of profits. The entrepreneur is spending more and more time away from the company anyway, on his boat or at his bach, overseas or whatever.

    It’s a recession again. The company, badly run, riven by personality struggles, intransigence, people protecting their positions and lack of acumen and analysis, lets the most valuable staff go. Eventually, it collapses entirely, leaving suppliers in the lurch.

    Mr King of Bongo blames the workers.

    Sound familiar? If not, I’m very pleased. But that’s NZ small to medium business in my experience. And it’s rubbish.

  6. Lefter 11 ~ don’t lose Mt Albert!

    March 29, 2009 by emweb

    Mt Albert is a marginal seat because Labour may let the seat slip from its grasp. You would think the Labour stronghold of Mt Albert is anything but marginal. It has been Helen Clark’s seat for years and even though Labour completely collapsed in the last election, Helen Clark held the seat with a strong majority and seems to have maintained the affections of the electorate.

    Great. But if Labour screws this up and lets National get it, Labour’s collapse will be perceived as even more profound.

    It annoyed the crap out of me that Labour fought that last election so badly. Letting National call all the shots just made the conservatives look stronger. Labour was complacent and ineffective in its approach. It was blindingly obvious there was a fight to be had – blindingly obvious to all but those running Labour’s campaign, anyway. In effect.

    Since Labour only just squeaked in at the 2005 election, the party should have realised the impact on any subsequent poll. Refusing to campaign on the considerable achievements of the Labour government over its tenure was, to my mind, plain stupid. Warm fuzzies were called for, the steady hand on the tiller, the fireside chat approach. Instead we got a cynical Cullen carping from the sidelines and party-wide floundering with the recession clearly looming.

    Labour pandered to National’s calling of the shots once again. National’s stupid call for ‘change’ and appeal to personal greed cleverly catering directly to the more facile political sensibilities (or complete lack thereof) of New Zealanders.

    So now we have a bizarre situation where Labour seems unsure how to play out a campaign for the plum seat of Mt Albert because of the Judith Tizard problem. That being, she let a safe seat slip from her grasp largely because she was widely perceived as ineffectual. Worse, she let her place be taken by a put-up job from National; Nicki Kaye is hardly a real politician.

    But if Phil Twyford runs for the Mt Albert seat, Tizard could be in again, this time on the list, which would please no one but her.

    This raises several issues: if Phil Goff stepped up and told Tizard where to get off, and let the poor woman retire with any dignity she has left, Phil Twyford should run for Mt Albert – and Labour should pull out all the stops to win it.

    But why should Phil Twyford run for Mt Albert?

    Because he lives there. It’s already his electorate and he wishes to represent his people. This is both admirable and understandable.

    Twyford has a stellar record and he should be supported within the party. Instead, it seems some hidebound Labourites could see him as a threat, but it’s time all that small-mindedness was ruthlessly dispensed with. Twyford taking, effectively, Helen Clark’s mantle in Mt Albert would be a clear message to the country that Labour isn’t finished, that there’s new blood and that Labour does, in fact, have a bigger vision. (Does it?)

    Anyone politicking away for themselves within Labour now – you’re doing the wrong thing. New Zealand needs Labour back. We need a strong Labour. We need a Labour Party profound in its own values.

    Helen Clark is another factor in all this. She may be a friend of Tizard’s but Clark knows perfectly well what should be done in this case. Clark has been keeping her head down and has now scored a great job she is perfect for. Excellent. I’m happy for her and I think she has the potential to do great good.

    But it’s almost palpable that National can hardly wait till Clark is out of the country. They’re right to be impatient. She seems to be the only prominent figure inside Labour with a clear vision. So I wish she’d deploy it before she disappears.

    My message to you, Ms Clark, is: you’ve had a break. Now do the right thing for the party you led so well. Advise the right people. Set up a Labour win in Mt Albert. Get the Tizard problem dealt with – even if it means Goff gets told to pull his blinkers off.

    Hard decisions have to be made. For God’s sake, someone has to make them. It’s time to move on.

    If you don’t sort this out, you are onto the final series of nails in the coffin. Put those damn hammers away! If Labour falls any further apart … we’re screwed.

  7. Lefter 10 ~ a good war

    March 19, 2009 by emweb

    I threatened last post to tell you how New Zealand can prosper through this recession, so here goes. We just need a war.

    Now, this is what I think will happen: instead of NZ trying to trade its way out of this recession, Prime Minister John Key will just follow his experience. Which means he’ll borrow to raise money while pursuing a right-wing agenda of making the lower classes poorer while rewarding his wealthy Pakeha cronies with more access to that wealth. They’ll use that borrowed money to cheaply buy the property and businesses of those driven to the wall. But inevitably, NZ will not be able to pay the borrowings back, leaving Labour to get the country back into the black when they eventually get back in and to resurrect our social services, ACC etc. As usual.

    National’s efforts will expand an increasingly desperate unemployed sector which will work for less and less money and under more onerous conditions. In turn, National will attempt to disenfranchise the unions (or what’s left of them) to maintain the ‘competitive’ employment situation in National’s favour.

    But National is already using this recession as an excuse to push its agenda much faster than planned (National meant originally to get through the first term before doing most of this – but the world recession means this suspension is no longer necessary).

    But National’s efforts are all wrong, They will only benefit a very few New Zealanders – rich people like John Key. (And have you noticed how rich Kiwis tend to move offshore? That’s because once you’ve shit in your own nest, you want a new nest far away from the smell.)

    What we actually need is a war.

    Now, don’t dismiss my war plan as crazy. It really isn’t. Apart from all the killing, maiming, violence and destruction, anyway.

    Wars have got countries out of bad economic conditions before. New Zealand was already leaving the Great Depression behind in the 1930s but it still entered World War Two as a semi-industrialised nation with about half horse-driven agriculture. It emerged as an industrialised nation with a virtually 100% mechanised agri-sector.

    Dare I mention Germany? Hitler used mechanisation and mass arming to pull Germany out of its terrible Depression-era situation in the 1930s. There are many other examples.

    We could declare war on someone, of course – say on the island nation of Fe’ausi. They wouldn’t put up much of a fight, and I’m sure NZ’s military leaders could spin things out so nothing actually happens …  particularly since that nation is imaginary. But that’s hardly necessary.

    The salient fact of a war is what it does to the economy, and what it does to the population.

    What it does to the economy is, it requires the government to spend all its resources on its country – producing food, clothing and industrial output solely for the country’s citizens to get them through this crisis.

    What it does to the population is, while it internalises the economy, it externalises people’s concerns. In other words, the population looks outside New Zealand for threats instead of inside. The people unify against this threat, so they work together, sacrifice and make common cause for the common good. They help each other and do the hard yards.

    People will head out into the fields to grow food at fair prices for New Zealanders, undertake training to help us create goods for New Zealanders and for overseas revenue, and employers (some, anyway) will stop ripping off their workers for their own pockets. But if they don’t, they can be publicly pilloried.

    But don’t worry – we don’t need an actual war to achieve New Zealand’s salvation. President Kennedy, for instance, used warlike rhetoric to instigate the Peace Corp, established by Executive Order in 1961. The purpose of the Peace Corps was “to promote world peace and friendship through a Peace Corps, which shall make available to interested countries and areas men and women of the United States qualified for service abroad and willing to serve, under conditions of hardship if necessary, to help the peoples of such countries and areas in meeting their needs for trained manpower.” It sounds like a war, doesn’t it? The raising of a regiment or militia for overseas service. I met some of these guys in Bangladesh in the 1960s and they were fantastic.

    New Zealand needs to declare war on this recession. It needs to raise a corps of New Zealanders working for New Zealanders to get us out of this financial strife.

    But until then, I predict Key and his bigots are going to try and run New Zealand into the ground. They might succeed. Then they’ll move out and live in their offshore palaces.

  8. Lefter 9 ~ so, you’ve lost your job?

    March 8, 2009 by emweb

    I’m an early adopter – I got my recession nearly two years ago. I was made redundant, not due to the recession, but due to management stupidity and intransigence in the face of long-term and clear evidence that there were problems with the section I was in charge of. But that’s another story.

    Now I still often only earn a half of what I used to earn, but we (my family and I) have managed to hold on. Best of all, I am much happier, as I always disliked working for a sexist, myopic fool. (Now I’m self-employed – the only fool I have to work for is me, and I’m much easier to put up with.)

    I may not be the best advisor in the world, but here’s what really helped me:

    1/ Get fit. Many jobs preclude you from keeping yourself in shape. Now you may not have much, but you do have time. Getting fit and keeping fit keeps you positive and flexible, both mentally and physically.

    As a sports coach in my spare time, I’ve noticed it’s the fitter players who can take the knocks. It’s the same for you. Get fit – even walking a circuit of your neighbourhood will lift your spirits and may remind you what a great place we live in. And don’t slow down for the hills – get your lung and heart rates up a bit. And make it a routine, rain or shine. And smile at people – smiling lifts your spirits.

    2/ Go through your grocery bill with a highlighter, swiping everything that costs, say, over $10. Think about how much you need those things. Cut out those that you don’t need or are obviously bad for your health (but don’t omit all treats).

    3/ Hang on to what land you have, if you can. Its value will come back – and it may be all you have.

    4/ Don’t burn your bridges. New Zealand is tiny. It doesn’t matter where you end up, someone will know someone who knows you. If you did bad things, they will catch up, so either put them right or stop doing them. You need all the support you can get.

    5/ Rebuild your networks – in your family, in your neighbourhood and with former colleagues and classmates (for example, complete the free sign-up to

    6/ Stop moaning. People are more inclined to assist positive people.

    7/ Get some work. Regular low-paid work is much better than no high-paid work, and you can eat.

    8/ Become ‘virtually visible’: that means people need to be able to find you online. That means joining, for example, Plaxo ( LinkedIn (, business-oriented networking sites people use to locate and contact people for work and work related things. They’re both totally free to join and they can both lead to better connections and opportunity.

    You can write your profile once; you don’t need to visit and update every day (it’s not FaceBook or Bebo). Make sure you’re clear about what you can do and what you’d like to do.

    9/ Cut down or discard your weekly debts.

    10/ Hey, at least we live in New Zealand. Plant some seeds in your garden or some pots. You can even get these free from friends and neighbours. There’s nothing like some fresh basil, at the very least, to top that budget meal.

    Next post, I will tell New Zealand how to prosper through this recession. I’ve worked it all out and it’s actually easy and very doable, and it’s not even unprecedented.

  9. Lefter 8 ~ National’s expando-foam big bore politics

    February 25, 2009 by emweb

    Remember the person in the South Island squirting expanding foam into large-bore car exhausts? If you block a car’s exhaust, the car won’t go. The expanding builders’ foam was particularly clever. It starts out as a stream of chemically smelly stuff, then expands and hardens into a major, hard-to-shift blockage.

    That reminds me of National. The party is everywhere. John Key and his minions appear on TV every night, in the paper every day, and on the radio continuously.

    Saying what? Very little. They’re just busy filling the vacuum left by Labour’s collapse in the last election.

    This is clever. They are expanding to fill the void, becoming a kind of ersatz, temporary über Labour. The soft-spined swing voters pat themselves on their backs, because things didn’t ‘change’ all that much after all. The right wingers pat themselves on the back too – well, National may not be doing anything destructive to workers yet, but hey, at least it’s National. Right?

    The left wingers – reduced to being left whingers like me – well, we just gnash our teeth powerlessly because we know what’s coming. National faces are everywhere, always talking, smiling those ghastly penguin smiles, saying much, doing very little. They’re expanding into a big hard block taking up all the space where Labour used to be. That big block will solidify, filling all the space up, hardening into the great big right wing bloc that will, if all ends badly, follow the true agenda of the National Party. This will happen in the second term.

    How Tim Grosser’s words on National Radio still ring in my ears: “… with the centrist position this party is taking for this election”.

    Kim Hill, conducting the debate, did not even pick up on it.

    What is the position of the National Party? Keep a percentage unemployed to give employers leverage – that’s your life and livelihood, that leverage. A little desperation keeps business owners’ coffers full, lets them play hard ball with anyone they don’t like, and lets them drive down wages in a ‘competitive’ labour market. That’s ordinary people desperately trying to get jobs, that ‘competitive labour market’.

    The worst thing is, this recession is playing right into National’s hands. The unemployment rates are going up and no one can even blame them. They’ll just say ‘it was the recession!’ and let them settle to their preferred ratio of about 4 per cent.

    It makes me sick. Wait and see.